Foodex Japan
Showing our products to Japanese market
Foodex Japan is the professional leading fair in Asia. It is dedicated to the food and drink industry, which offers new trade opportunities and contacts in emerging markets.
Japan, known as the entry door to the Asian markets, is the host of this exhibition that is celebrated each year, since 1976 and we could not miss the occasion to make known the quality of our products in this great showcase.
Foodex Japan was celebrated from 7th of 10th March at the exhibition site og Big Sight of Tokyo (Japan), with 3.500 exhibitors from more than countries to display their products above more than 85.000 visitors, professionals of the food sector, which envolves to wholesalers, retailers, supermarkets, catering, manufacters, and other companies related with the catering sector.
This fair has been the ideal place to make known our news and specially our products with truffle, that were very well recieved by the Japanese market and all the visitors and friends.
In this link you can see a short interview what was done to us during the fair and here you have a summary about Foodex Japan 2023.
We thank everyone, specially to Cristina Gorincioi y al ICE Institute for the Enterorise Competitiveness of Castilla y León, for the support recieved during these days.
We will continue offering products with the best quality around all the world!